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Showing posts from December, 2018


Bandung is the 3rd largest city in Indonesia. Bandung city is located at an altitude of 800m above sea level and is close to the equator, making the weather in Bandung city is cool throughout the year. The temperature reaches 21-28 degrees, and only has 2 seasons, rainy season and dry season. The rainy season start on November till april, and dry season start on mei till october. Bandung is surrounded by hills and volcanoes so it has a beautiful and fertile landscape. As the 3rd largest city, Bandung is one of the centers of business and tourism. As a tourism city, Bandung has many natural or artificial tourist attractions that can be visited. Various supporting facilities such as hotels, restaurants, money changers, shopping areas, are very easy to find. And To get to Bandung, you can use airplane, bus or train. Here are the natural attractions that can be visited in Bandung city Tangkuban perahu mountain This mountain in the past thousands of years has a height of more